Successful Solution – and Not Only for Nizhnevartovsk
Новость от 05.04.2016, добавлена в 17:16 в категории: Пресса1464 просмотра 0 комментариев
The material in the instruction film on Safe Work Practices in Watered and Swamped License Areas is presented in a very convenient format: a huge amount of vital information on employees safety and survival is conveyed in a very short period of time and in a way that is easy to perceive. In particular, the audience sees how to act right in case of emergency, and this will help them quickly analyze the situation and save both themselves and others. The use of the film for safety briefings helps managers efficiently train their personnel by demonstrating real-life examples of safe practices when performing particularly hazardous operations. Foremen and safety engineers will also find this film very useful: staff awareness will prevent heavy equipment drivers and responsible managers from taking faulty actions and risk.
The result of the film demonstration is the reduction in the number of cases of heavy equipment drowning and rollover and, most importantly, in the number of accidents involving staff injuries or fatalities. An additional benefit is the cost savings on equipment repair, accident investigation, and treatment and rehabilitation of injured workers.
The film has helped TNK-Nizhnevartovsk introduce a brand new form of trainings and drills for contractors operating heavy equipment (excavators, bulldozers, pipe layers). The video film is demonstrated and discussed during the theoretical part of the training session and then the participants hone their practical skills of emergency evacuation from heavy equipment. Many drivers who have been through hazardous situations confirm that this kind of trainings and drills is extremely close to reality and therefore efficient. 112 trainings have been performed to date with participation of 4,257 employees from 47 contractor companies that handle heavy equipment.
In TNK-Nizhnevartovsk and its contractor companies, the film demonstration has become a part of the training programs on TNK-BP Corporate Standards and the Golden Rules of Safe Operations in TNK-BP.
The high quality of the instruction film on Safe Working Practices in Watered and Swamped License Areas and its contribution to the reduced number of incidents made it an efficient tool to be applied for safety briefings in TNK-BP and its contactors, as well as other Russian companies that work in similar environment.