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HAZOP Experience

​Learnings from HAZOP Experience

Новость от 06.02.2016, добавлена в 17:26 в категории: Технологии 2754 просмотра 0 комментариев
HAZOP Experience
HAZOP reviews have been used in TNK-BP since 2005, and more than 40 safety reviews have been completed to date. HAZOP has since become an integral part of the Capital Projects Procedure (СРР) at the Define and Execute stages. HAZOP strategy and development in the Company were endorsed in February 2009 at TNK-BP Operations Committee. An Action Plan for a wider implementation of this safety assessment methodology across TNK-BP was approved as well. TNK-BP specialists first performed HAZOP (HAZard and OPerability) reviews back in 2004 while working with Rusia Petroleum (see “Moscow – Irkutsk: Implementing HAZOP,” Innovator #3). A year later, similar reviews were initiated inside the Company, and a relevant procedure was approved in 2007.

Innovator has already reported on the HAZOP key stages (see “TNK-BP Major Projects: Production Safety Reviews,” Innovator #24). The experience accumulated in the Company allows updating and supplementing the procedure of 2007 so as to improve the quality of both project reviews and the recommendations issued.

Specialists of the Major Projects Division, Technology, consolidated and analyzed all the experience accumulated over the years and submitted HAZOP strategy and development goals to be endorsed at TNK-BP Operations Committee in February 2009. Following this meeting, Sergey Brezitsky, Executive Vice President, Upstream, and Alexander Kaplan, Acting Executive Vice President, Downstream, issued Directives for compulsory HAZOP reviews to be performed at major and priority projects / facilities across their Streams.

These Directives provided for Single Points of Accountability (SPAs) to be appointed in the Performance Units. SPAs are responsible for HAZOP initiation and the elimination or mitigation of the technological risks identified. Furthermore, an Executive Order was issued in the Company providing for the establishment of a HAZOP Working Group. The Group is to develop HAZOP-related training programs, methodologies to introduce HAZOP recommendations into project solutions, as well as coordinating the Company’s activities and resources to perform the reviews, etc.

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