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Corporate Exploration Database

Corporate Exploration Database

Новость от 11.05.2017, добавлена в 12:26 в категории: Технологии 4080 просмотров 0 комментариев
Corporate Exploration Database
Along with a hammer and a drill, the most important tool in the geologist's kit bag has always been the geological map. Maps tell us about risk, uncertainty and where to drill. The more information a map contains, the more likely it is to be predictive.

Most people think of maps as representing data on the surface of the earth, but we build maps of the subsurface. Geoscience teams travel through time to reconstruct structural histories, paleogegraphic maps and migration pathways for hydrocarbons into reservoirs of highly variable quality. Because of this added dimension, the complexity and amount of data that is required to build geological map is huge.

TNK-BP has many sophisticated mapping systems digital data in a digital form, but there is not a company wide approach to this activity. As a result, it is difficult to produce a consistent set of products required for decision-making. As these data sets grow and the usage becomes more complex, then another important consideration is the investment required to properly protect the value and security of these data.

The Exploration Database is a new project designed to address these issues and will organize key geoscience data into a single data repository with common tools for retrieval and analysis. The project will follow standard CVP processes. The first phase will be officially launched in May. This phase will determine the detailed scope of data used in typical Exploration workflows, from field acquisition to map generation and analysis. By December, we will determine the most efficient methods for organizing the database systems that will support these processes.

The Exploration database concept is modeled from the already successful corporate management of Production data, delivered through the Production Control and Monitoring System (PCMS). The PCMS project has been one of the first Company wide initiatives to install a common platform across multiple geographic locations and business streams. This has significantly enhanced our ability to take a TNK-BP view across our businesses and to support the introduction of common work practices.

The Exploration Database Project will in part build from the same technical foundation as the PCMS, but will new data not currently stored in PCMS, but critical for geological data integration. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) capability will be a key technology used to integrate these widely variant data types, with web interfaces allowing ready access to thousands of map objects to authorized users. This approach will allow us to economically share existing infrastructure, and to ensure consistency of data generated from different sources. The typical example is the well name – TNK-BP needs only one source for labeling well names, and the fewer the number of databases that generate this, then the less opportunity there is for duplication errors.

Data Security

The laws of the Russian Federation and our own Company procedures provide detailed requirements for the security of data that must be applied with respect to surface and subsurface mapping. It is essential for TNK-BP to achieve and demonstrate active compliance with these regulations. The Exploration Database project will strengthen our ability to provide controlled access to data across the Company. We need to be able to give access to geographical mapping information to a wide range of specialists within the Company, and to support efficient workflows.

An important consideration for the Company will be how we can advance both of these requirements. Fortunately there are increasingly sophisticated data systems that address security through entitled access, and the application of modern technology to this subject will be the key to maintaining an efficient and secure working solution.

Data Scope

The types of information typically required from an Exploration database include, but are not limited to:
  • Fields
  • Licenses
  • Seismic coverage
  • Wells data, including basic location, depth, date and result information
  • Regional structures including structural grids
  • Regional geology
  • Infrastructure
  • Landsat imagery
  • Public 'free access' GIS data
  • Surface geology, hazards and environmentally sensitive areas


The expected benefits of the projects are:
  • Enable authorized staff in Moscow and regions to more efficiently execute regional studies, field appraisals, evaluate license agreements, new prospects and well locations.
  • Improve security and technical control of corporate data assets, providing file protection/backup and authorized access.
  • Rationalize business process for access to information by reducing the overlapping and redundant storage of data/information assets. Increase efficiency of IT resources by identifying a priority of Exploration data types and coherent organization of systems to support them.

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